Wednesday, March 8, 2017

LP Pathfinders: top posts from February 2017

This month’s Pathfinder travel tales have been insightful and inspiring in equal measure!
Dive into an Amazonian adventure; people-watch from a cafe in Stone Town, Zanzibar ; learn about
London ’s past through its architecture; discover why hostels can be heaven for kids; and reflect on what goes on behind the scenes of your travel bargains.
Six reasons staying in a hostel is good for your kids – Rebecca Wyld
Hostels are often thought of as the preserve of the party-going backpacker, but as Rebecca’s post goes to show they are spaces for all kinds of traveller to enjoy – especially if you have your own private bathroom. Whether you’re five years old or 50, hostels are a great place to mingle with people from all over the world and swap a few travel stories.
This globetrotting family wants to inspire others with their travels. Follow their blog at
Markets and money – Larissa Bodniowycz
We love this insightful look at the world behind budget travel. It’s wonderful to be able to travel to destinations where lunch will cost you less than $1 – in fact, for many travellers that’s how they’re able to stay on the road so long. But Larissa encourages us to take a moment to reflect and appreciate the people and the processes behind our bargain Banh Mi.
Larissa’s blog muses on the balance between life and law. Follow her blog at
Hiking in the Amazon Rainforest as a wheelchair user – Cory Lee
For many people the idea of travelling to the Amazon is a daunting one, and especially so when you have to factor in navigating a wheelchair across jungle terrain. In this post Cory once again goes to show that those ‘is this even possible for me’ thoughts should be cast aside in favour of epic adventures, and it doesn’t get more epic than the Amazon.
Cory is a 26-year-old travel addict whose goal is to visit every continent, even Antarctica. Follow his blog at
We sat at a Zanzibar cafe and got a different glimpse of life there – Natasha Alden
We cannot get enough of this people-watching photo post. Natasha’s shots capture varied and intriguing scenes of daily life in Stone Town, Zanzibar, all framed in the doorway of a local cafe. Keeping the same, simple perspective for each frame animates the life out on the street, and as you scroll down you get a sense that you’re just behind the lens watching local life roll by.
This traveller, photographer and writer loves to explore less-travelled destinations. Follow her blog at
15 places that will make you fall in love with London – Julie Falconer
Julie takes us back in time with this round-up of London’s architectural delights through the ages. These days London feels like a bustling modern metropolis, but Julie reminds us that a wealth of historical gems can be found in the most unexpected places.
As well as travelling all over London, Julie has travelled to 102 countries and counting. Follow her blog at

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